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    Bristol Autism Forum Feedback July 2017
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    New autism training is to be given to NHS staff after the death of a Bristol teenager who was given drugs against his parents’ wishes.
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    Two out of three adults are not getting the support they need for autism spectrum disorders according to new figures. The findings are similar to what Bristol patients told us in a recent Healthwatch survey.
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    We're spreading some Christmas cheer with our round-up of how we've made a difference to health services from the information YOU provided.
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    Find out more about how to get on your GPs learning disability register to ensure you have the Covid-19 vaccine. Being on the register also means you will be invited to have an important health check-up to pick up any symptoms of illness.
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    People with learning disabilities are still at risk of dying unnecessarily and receive poorer care – 10 years on from the abuse suffered at Winterbourne View.
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    The Care Quality Commission says people with a learning disability and autistic people "continue to face barriers when accessing health care and treatment" after collecting people’s experiences from 8 hospital trusts in England.
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    Services for children and young people with special educational needs or a disability (SEND) in Bristol have made 'sufficient progress' in addressing four out of five areas of weakness identified by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission.
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    Last year, 793 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us. Our annual report sets out how your comments and concerns have had a real impact on local health and social care services.
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    103 people who draw on care and support from adult social care services spoke to us about what's working well and what needs to improve. We heard from a diverse range of people, including older adults, people with mental health issues, and carers.