Pharmacy spotlight: Ade Williams, Bedminster Pharmacy

Ade Williams, multi award-winning pharmacist at Bedminster Pharmacy in Bristol, spoke to Healthwatch Bristol about what pharmacies can offer, and how they can help take the pressure off GPs and A&E departments.
Ade Williams, a man, standing behind a counter in a pharmacy

Ade Williams is passionate about the role pharmacies can play in keeping people healthy and well - not just physically, but also socially.

"Pharmacies are a connection between the patient and health and social care providers", says Ade.

"Your pharmacy can signpost you to financial support, help with social isolation, and we help people to understand public health messages."

Ade also does a lot of work with people who are concerned about symptoms of cancer, and stresses the importance of early detection.

When you come into a pharmacy and you have symptoms, we can proactively help you to escalate that, and get you the support you need.

Ade Williams

In addition to looking after patients' physical health, Bedminster Pharmacy has a team of mental health first aiders, who can offer support and signposting for those who need it.

"We’re an accessible face", says Ade. "The most accessible part of the NHS is community pharmacies – it’s the only part of it that you can step into. From there, you are receiving NHS care."

"Pharmacies are able to listen and talk to you about your mental wellbeing, the stresses and strains of life, and help you get back on your feet."

Whether you're concerned about cancer or want to chat about your mental health, your local pharmacy is the ideal place to pop in to, Ade says.

We're not just people who deal with medicines - we're people who deal with health.

Ade Williams

Here are just a few of the things your local pharmacist may be able to help you with:

  • UTIs (urinary tract infections) - including prescribing antibiotics if necessary
  • Sore throats - including prescribing antibiotics if necessary
  • Minor skin conditions, such as irritated skin on the face
  • Infectious skin conditions
  • Minor sprains and sports injuries
  • Emergency supply of medicines
  • COVID-19 lateral flow tests
  • Flu jabs
  • Medication advice

Have you visited your local pharmacy recently? Want to share your feedback to help improve health and social care services for everyone? Click the pink 'Talk to us' button below.