Mental health support for children aged 5 to 11

Parents and carers told us that there was a lack of mental health support for children and young people in Bristol, particularly for those aged 5 to 11.
To help parents and carers clearly see the different types of support available and the routes into receiving support, we created two infographics, including one that can be easily printed. Both can be downloaded below.
The services have been divided into those most appropriate for children with mild difficulties, moderate difficulties, and severe difficulties. We have also included some national organisations that can be used accessed by children and young people.
Children and young people may also be able to access support from:
- School nurses
- Primary Mental Health Specialists (PMHS)
- School counsellors
- Thrive practitioners or Emotional Literacy Support Assistants
- Social prescribing for children and young people
If you require any of this information in an alternative format, please email