On 25 May 2018 Healthwatch Bristol attended the final conference on Reasonable Adjustments. This was held at the SS Great Britain Conference Centre, selected for its accessibility.
Healthwatch provided Community pot funding to Sammy’s Pop Up, a community health and wellbeing event which took place on 24 April 2018, for people over the age of 55, with the support of HWB and Bristol Black Carers.
On 20 April 2018 Healthwatch Bristol were invited to the launch of Thriving at Work program, which aims to help local businesses connect with mental health support for their staff.
Read the Healthwatch Bristol Annual Report for 2017/18 - it focuses on our new
mental health project, working with Bristol City Council on their Thrive programme and
with all team members now trained in Mental Health First Aid.
Healthwatch Bristol worked in partnership with Dhek Bhal in organising focus group workshops on emotional health and wellbeing in the South Asian community in April 2018.
Healthwatch Bristol were invited along to the Carer's Rights Day and Ways to Wellbeing Group in March 2018 to speak to members about their emotional health and wellbeing.
In March 2018 Healthwatch Bristol provided funding through the ‘Community Pot’ fund for The Harbour to carry out research to find out which groups of people find access to The Harbour more difficult, and what reasons are behind this difficulty.
Healthwatch engaged with students studying at the University of the West of England to find out their experiences and thoughts of access to contraceptive services. The final report was completed and published in March 2018.