Healthwatch to gather feedback on how mental health services are working

Julie met Margaret Price, the carers support lead at Rethink Mental Illness in Bristol, to discuss how HW Bristol could give voice to those in the city with mental health issues and to those who support them at home.
Rethink text

Rethink Bristol is tackling common issues for people using mental health services - waiting times, long-term support, stigma and reaching out to people in isolation. Healthwatch hopes to record the concerns of this group; Healthwatch wants to use patient feedback to inform and influence future strategies for mental health.

Rethink’s support services in Bristol include a carer’s service and community support services both set up to help Bristol-based people with mental health issues make a positive difference to their lives. There is also a BME service – Rethink Bristol helps people achieve a better quality of life through one-to-one support in accessing community facilities. The Bristol Siblings Group offers space for siblings of patients with mental illness the chance to meet other siblings facing similar issues and help them realise they are not alone. Exercise group Rethink Bristol Striders provides friendship and the chance to maintain mental health through walking. There is also a guided meditation workshop based in East Bristol. For more information please click here.