Jump in coronavirus cases puts Bristol above national average
Four students in three different schools in Bristol have tested positive for COVID-19.
These are Mile End Primary in Kingsway, Shirehampton Primary School and John Williams Oasis Academy in Hengrove.
Bristol's Director of Public Health says school is still safe for children as most cases are contracted at home.
Healthwatch is asking people to review mental health and other health service during this stressful time - to ensure people are getting the right support to cope with self-isolating and anxiety.
From September 14 only six people can meet both inside and outside as part of a social gathering however, schools, sporting and youth clubs (including Scouting and Cubs packs) will not be affected.
For those struggling with their mental health during lockdown, increased restrictions can add another layer of distress. Vita Health Group and Avon and Wiltshire Health Partnership have set up a free helpline to help people in need of emotional and practical support. The phone will be answered by a trained counsellor who will be able to listen and signpost you towards organisations in your area. The confidential helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 day a week.
Call 0800 126549 to speak to someone today.
* Frequent hand washing for at least 20 seconds,
*Social distancing of two metres wherever possible
*Self-isolating and booking a test if you experience any of the symptoms of the virus.
With students going back to school after a long break where they have mixed with other families it is not surprising that we have seen a few cases in schools already. Nationally we have seen an increase over the past few weeks, following the easing of lockdown restrictions, people mixing more, returning from holidays and visiting relatives around the country.
“Schools are working alongside the council and PHE to handle this challenge in the best and safest way possible for your children. Please be reassured that infections rates in schools are still very low and evidence suggests that children are more likely to contract COVID-19 at home.