Zoom in for our first virtual AGM
We are sadly unable to hold a face-to-face AGM, but there's still the chance to catch up with staff and board members and hear what we've been doing - and we've been busier than ever helping people during Covid-19 and using your views to make a difference to local services.
These challenging times mean it's more important than ever to act on the information you give us so services can rebuild and adapt to the ever-changing health environment.
There's also the chance to hear more about the BS3 community's Covid-19 journey with speaker Ruth Green. Ruth maintains a focus on improving health, wellbeing and happiness of particularly older people living in the BS3 area, to help reduce isolation and loneliness.
In October 2019 we won a new contract to work in Bristol and South Glos too - so we have added to our team and our ambitions.
We've also been busy gathering your views on care at home services in Bristol as well as carrying out Enter and View visits, where we visited GP surgeries and Southmead Hospital to hear feedback.
Healthwatch cannot work without your experiences - so we would love to 'see' you next month. If you need further assistance with using Zoom please let us know. Please email rebecca@healthwatchbnssg.co.uk to confirm attendance so we can send you the link.