New video aims to improve vaccine take-up in Easton and Barton Hill communities
Mohamed A Sayaqle, Chairman of Bristol Somali Youth Voice, sent Healthwatch Bristol the video to post on our website to help people learn more about the vaccine and spread the message it is safe, very effective and it's important to have it whatever your age and Covid risk factors are.
Bristol Somali Youth Voice filmed the video which shows Easton resident DJ asking questions about the vaccine to local GP Peter Torrance.
Mohamed, said: “The Covid-19 crisis has disproportionally affected disadvantaged communities from deprived areas. There was a coronavirus colour map that showed between October and November, wards like Barton Hill, Easton and Ashley were among the most infected areas. These are the most deprived areas in our city and also across the country. They are also the areas that the largest proportion of BAME communities are living in.
“Although low levels of vaccine uptake are a real concern, issues of trust in the system, fear around potential long term health consequences, lack of understanding and proper engagement and lack of culturally appropriate approaches are among key determinant factors.”
He said he wanted his video to help people see why it was very important to have the vaccine to help stamp out myths and misinformation circulating social media which was causing hesitancy and confusion to community members. This was especially important for people, who due to education or language barriers, may not able to sort out what was a reliable source of information and what was just speculation, he added.