Helping new parents access local support services

In 2021 we received feedback that the Bristol Health Visiting team was not providing new parents with the information they needed to look after both themselves and their children. Concerns included a lack of signposting and advice, such as how and when to see a breastfeeding specialist and where to get support from other parents in the community.
After contacting Sirona, who provide Health Visitor services for the Community Children's Health Partnership, Sirona agreed to undertake some work around the information their Health Visitors were offering to new parents. We were also able to put parents in touch with Sirona directly to share their concerns.
As a result of this, Sirona compiled a list of appropriate resources for Health Visitors to give to families, such as breastfeeding support groups, and reminded staff to undertake feeding assessments and refer parents and carers on to their feeding specialist if necessary.
Sirona also updated the list of support groups on Bristol City Council's website, to help new parents find other people in their local area who can offer support, advice, and understanding.