1. News -

    Caring for someone with dementia takes patience and kindness. It can also take its toll physically and mentally - and if it's a family member you may not get any time off. But is there anyone to care for the carer? Tell HW...your views matter.
  2. Report -

    Caring for someone who has dementia can be a challenge. We spoke to carers throughout Bristol and South Gloucestershire to find out what support they needed, and created a resource to help signpost carers to the services available to help them.
  3. Response -

    Caring for someone with dementia can be challenging, and carers often report feelings of guilt, confusion, and anger. We spoke to carers across Bristol to find out what help they needed, and put together a resource to help them access support.
  4. Report -

    Your feedback helps us influence positive change and encourages the improvement of local NHS health and social care services. Take a look at everything we've been up to throughout 2021/2022.
  5. News -

    We had the opportunity to share our work and future plans with Louise, members of the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB), and Councillor Helen Holland - Co-Chair of the local Health and Wellbeing Board.