1. Report -

    On 28 January 2018 Healthwatch worked in partnership with Golden Agers Club Staff to meet their service users during one of their exercise sessions. Read the impact report here.
  2. News -

    An innovative new technology project entitled Connecting Care has launched in the Bristol area which will mean patients won’t have to explain their care and needs more than once.
  3. News -

    Share your stories of care with Healthwatch - we want to recognise all the wonderful work being done to help people in their homes and the wider community. A virtual hug from us to all the social care sector.
  4. Advice and Information -

    People are not seeking help for potentially life-threatening health conditions due to the Covid-19 outbreak, Healthwatch has learned.
  5. News -

    People with disabilities and those who are less mobile may be struggling to attend necessary medical appointments due to reduced transport services.
  6. News -

    A new review has shown the risk of dying from Covid-19 is higher among Black and Asian Minority Ethnic Groups compared to white groups. Healthwatch awaits recommendations from these findings which will really benefit BAME staff and patients.
  7. News -

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been felt hardest among those who rely on social care, and those working to care for them, a new report has found.
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    Contact tracing is working well in the South West with an 83.3 per cent success rate compared to a national average of 77 per cent.
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    In their annual 'State of Care' report - the first to cover a full year of the pandemic - the independent regulator has called for increased stability and collaboration across services, plus investment in 'new ways of working'.
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    If someone is able to leave hospital but needs further care, they may be discharged to a nursing or care home. If you or a loved one has experienced this, or if you work in the pathway 3 system, please fill in our survey about how the process works.
  11. News -

    The company that owns and runs the home said its closure was due to staff 'recruitment and retention challenges', and that residents would be 'supported to find suitable alternative accommodation.'
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    The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. Their latest report sets out the challenges the NHS and social care sector face: 'the health and care system is gridlocked, unable to operate effectively.'
  13. News -

    Concerns raised included the way staff treated patients. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will keep the home under review, and it will either be re-inspected within 6 months to check for improvements or the provider's registration may be cancelled.