Here is a list of local food deliveries and launderettes that can help if you're self isolating due to COVID 19. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.
Healthwatch is working with Bristol City Council, NHS Volunteer Responders, volunteer groups and health and social care organisations to make sure you can get the information and support you need.
Feeling anxious about all the coronavirus information you are being exposed to on social media? Healthwatch is here to point you in the right direction of what to do and where to go for help and support if you are at currently at home.
We can help you find the latest advice on what to do to protect yourself and your loved ones as well as a friendly ear if you are self-isolating and feel cut off and confused.
Coronavirus (Covid-19) information and advice - read our rundown of some of the frequently asked questions and what to do if you or your loved ones become unwell and start showing potential symptoms.
Deputy Mayor Asher Craig updated people who visited our recent launch in Bristol about the Thriving Bristol mission to improve mental health for all. Healthwatch is also focusing on mental health to find out how services are working.
Julie met Margaret Price, the carers support lead at Rethink Mental Illness in Bristol, to discuss how HW Bristol could give voice to those in the city with mental health issues and to those who support them at home.