Latest news and views

WellAware launches Welcome Spaces directory to support communities across Bristol and South Gloucestershire
Welcome Spaces can include libraries, community centres, places of worship, or any venue offering warmth, activities, or support to visitors.

Have your say on local pharmacy services
Pharmacies play a vital role in local communities. We want to hear about people's experiences of using pharmacy services in our area to ensure that residents can get the most from them.

Complete our NHS dental survey
NHS dental care continues to be one of the main concerns we hear about from the public. Issues include not being able to get an NHS dental appointment, not being able to find a dentist taking on NHS patients, and not being able to afford private dental…

Have your say: the NHS 10 Year Health Plan
The government wants to hear the views, experiences and ideas of everyone in England as part of 'the biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS'. Here's how you can get involved.

Local provider of mental health services responds to latest CQC inspection
Earlier this year, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspected forensic inpatient and secure wards managed by Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust. The CQC gave a rating of 'requires improvement'.

Up to 1.5 million disabled people could be missing out on social care support
According to estimates by Healthwatch England, up to 1.5 million working-age disabled people in England could need social care support but are not accessing it. This means they are likely to be missing out on help with daily activities such as washing,…

Could you be a UHBW Governor?
University Hospitals Bristol and West are looking for new members to join the Trust's membership and Council of Governors.

Improving your care while waiting for surgery
Our work with a local hospital trust has led to a range of measures to improve the experiences of people on a waiting list for surgery. Keeping…

CQC assessment of Bristol City Council Adult Social Care
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will look at how the council is meeting its adult social care responsibilities, focusing on four themes: working…
Latest reports and publication

Healthwatch Bristol's Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct sets out the expectations Healthwatch Bristol has of all those who work or carry out activities for it, in a voluntary or paid capacity, including trustees, employees, students and volunteers.
Find out more

Report: Antenatal sessions - lived experience and staff views of local provision
'Antenatal' is the time when you're pregnant, before a baby is born. The NHS provides free antenatal classes. Parents across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire shared their experiences of antenatal care with the local Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership.
Find out more