1. Advice and Information -

    NHS@Home offers healthcare in your home or normal place of residence, rather than in hospital. It can offer an alternative to going into hospital when you are unwell, and it can help you return home from hospital more quickly.
  2. Report -

    Our 2023 AGM will take place between 11am and 12:30pm on Tuesday 14th November at John Wesley's New Room, 36 The Horsefair, Bristol BS1 3JE. Everyone is welcome.
  3. News -

    Helping more people to manage their mental health through self-care is one of the key priorities set out in the draft mental health strategy prepared by health and care partners in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. People from across the region are being invited to have their say on a new Mental Health Strategy.
  4. News -

    For the first time, the NHS has published the number of individual patients on the waiting list – 6.5 million – in addition to the total number of appointments and treatments currently on the waiting list – 7.77 million.
  5. Report -

    Our 2022 Annual General Meeting was attended by our Trustees, staff, and members of our volunteer team. We discussed the work we'd done over the previous year and looked at how we can continue to be a voice for patients in the future.
  6. News -

    Health and care partners in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) are investing an extra £40m into services to boost capacity and speed up hospital discharge during the challenging winter months. Planning for this winter began in February, with significant extra funding allocated to winter schemes to maintain safe and effective care for local people.
  7. Report -

    In carrying out our functions as a statutory organisation we promise to ensure that the values of equality, diversity, equity and inclusion are embedded into everything we do. We are committed to creating the right culture, skills and priorities to ensure that no individual is discriminated against in the planning and delivery of any of our activities.
  8. News -

    Our hub in The Galleries shopping centre, Broadmead will be closed to the public between Monday 25th and Friday 29th December. It may take us longer than usual to get back to you over the Christmas and New Year period.
  9. Report -

    Read the minutes of our November 29 2023 Prioritisation Panel, where we come together with our volunteers to discuss the health and social care issues you've raised and what we can do to bring about change.
  10. News -

    In each of the last four years the NHS Staff Survey has shown that more than one in four staff has experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients and members of the public while at work.
  11. News -

    Have you been impacted by cancelled care? Healthwatch England commissioned Yonder Data Solutions to run an online survey to learn about the impact of postponements and cancellations of recent or planned care or appointments in 2023.
  12. Report -

    When working for Healthwatch BNSSG, Trustees, staff and volunteers will often need to have access to confidential information. This may include personal information about individuals, information about the internal business of Healthwatch, and confidential information or business about the health and care system.
  13. Report -

    Our engagement strategy sets out how and why we engage with the public; collaboration with other groups and organisations; what we do with your feedback; and our commitment to equalities research and working with 'least heard' communities.
  14. Advice and Information -

    Following patient feedback, the NHS has committed to making it easier and quicker for you to get the help you need from your GP and the healthcare community around your surgery. Our new booklet explains what changes and improvements you may see.
  15. News -

    Many healthcare images do not represent the communities we serve. The University of the West of England (UWE) and and NHS England (NHSE) are looking to photograph a number of medical conditions on people with different skin tones.
  16. News -

    We're working with North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) to understand and improve experiences during your wait for an operation.
  17. News -

    Do you have a loved one currently staying on a mental health ward? We're visiting a number of inpatient wards to speak to patients. We'd also like to hear from family, friends, and carers.
  18. Advice and Information -

    The free CONfidence app provides self-help advice and information for people with bladder and bowel leakage, and carers and parents of children with symptoms.
  19. News -

    People can now get treatment for seven common health conditions directly from their local pharmacist, without needing a GP appointment.
  20. News -

    People were once again queuing outside the newly-opened dental practice in St Pauls this morning, in hopes of registering for NHS dental care.
  21. Report -

    Read the minutes of our November 29 2023 Prioritisation Panel, where we come together with our volunteers to discuss the health and social care issues you've raised and what we can do to bring about change.
  22. Report -

    Anyone who is dissatisfied with any aspect of the service received by Healthwatch Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) can make a complaint.
  23. News -

    The Care Quality Commission, independent regulator of health and social care services, inspected Maternity Services at North Bristol NHS Trust in November 2023.
  24. Report -

    Our workplan sets out the areas of health and social care we will be looking at over the coming financial year. It also outlines the research we plan to carry out in order to help improve local services.
  25. Report -

    Our workplan sets out the areas of health and social care we will be looking at over the coming financial year. It also outlines the research we plan to carry out in order to help improve local services.
  26. News -

    Please share your experience with us by completing our survey. If you have one or more long-term physical health conditions and feel like this has affected your mental health in any way (big or small). We want to hear from you.
  27. Advice and Information -

    If your GP refers you to a specialist, you usually have the right to choose which hospital you go to. You can choose a hospital in your area – or one further away if you wish.
  28. News -

    Patients will be able to have scans and tests at a new Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) from April 2024 as part of a wider NHS initiative to increase access to diagnostic procedures.
  29. Report -

    102 people in Knowle West, Hartcliffe and Weston-super-Mare spoke to us about their experiences of health and social care. They shared the barriers and failures that prevented them from accessing local services, and what improvements are needed.
  30. Advice and Information -

    Eligible people are being invited by the NHS to have a top-up Covid-19 vaccination this spring. In line with expert advice, the NHS is offering Covid-19 vaccinations to people who are at increased risk of serious illness from the virus – including those aged 75 and over (by 30 June 2024), residents of care homes for older adults, and those aged 6 months and over with a weakened immune system.
  31. Advice and Information -

    Health and care services must make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss get information that they can access and understand, and any communication support that they need. Unfortunately, we know this doesn't always happen.
  32. Advice and Information -

    Following patient feedback, the NHS has committed to making it easier and quicker for you to get the help you need from your GP and the healthcare community around your surgery. Our newly updated booklet explains what changes you may see, and how you can help us monitor them.
  33. Advice and Information -

    This checklist is a tool for people with a learning disability and their carer or supporters to fill in before attending an annual health check. It aims to help you recognise when things aren’t right, take actions to keep healthy, and to speak up and seek help.
  34. News -

    Access to NHS dental care continues to be one of the main issues we hear about from the public. The Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) has published a draft oral health and dental strategy for the next three years.
  35. News -

    Healthwatch Bristol has been working with the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) to improve the discharge process.
  36. Report -

    Last year, almost 1000 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us. Our annual report highlights all the ways we've used your feedback to improve care, plus our plans for the year ahead.
  37. Advice and Information -

    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.
  38. Advice and Information -

    We know from our conversations with the public that some patients report feeling rushed during appointments and struggling to make themselves heard. Here are some tips that could help you get the most out of visiting your GP.
  39. Advice and Information -

    The number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing but what should you expect from home care services?
  40. Advice and Information -

    Everyone should be able to access good quality NHS dental services. Take a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your next dental appointment.
  41. News -

    On Monday, representatives from Healthwatch Bristol traveled to London to join forces with more than 100 fellow local Healthwatch organisations at our annual parliamentary reception.
  42. Report -

    In March 2018 we awarded Off The Record a portion of our Community Pot Fund to finance a micro project called The Natural Health Service.
  43. Report -

    Our stop smoking client consultation report where we asked women why they struggled to stop smoking during pregnancy in Bristol and North Somerset. What did they think about services to help them and how did they work?
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